You can change the language in from Asetukset -> Tilin tiedot.
Add an employee directly from your overview by pressing the green "Add new employee"-button.
You can also add an employee by clicking "Employees" from the left side selection and then pressing the blue "New employee"-button on the site.
Employees information will be submitted in four different phases.
First input your employees personal details. Remember to add social security number, email address and bank account number. Then press "Next"-button. All the required fields are marked with a star*.
Then add the information of the employment. Remember to check that the pension is marked correctly (TyEL/YEL/MYEL/etc.). You can also add the employees title to the salary slip by writing it to "Description added to salary calculation"-row.
Also choose the occupational type for occupational accident insurance. The occupational type will be chosen from Statistic Finland occupational category and will be reported to Incomes register with the salary information. Start writing the occupation to the field "Occupational insurance" and the selection will give out the occupation Statistic Finland suggests. Every occupation from Statistic Finland is found behind the search.
You can also mark the lenght of the employment and whether its fixed-term employment. Then click "Next"-button.
On the third tab you can input default pay rows. These rows will be added automatically to employees salary calculation when there is a new payment. For example monthly salary and a taxable phone benefit could be added here. These rows can be deleted or edited when starting a new salary calculation for the employee. You can also edit the information later from employees information. Then press "Next" to move forward.
Lastly you will need to fill out the employees tax card information. Choose the right type for the tax card and add the information that is required. We recommend using the Automatic tax card where tax rates are automatically checked directly from the Tax Administration with each salary payment, and you no longer need to enter your tax card information. If you wish to fill out tax card information manually choose the type Original tax card or Revised tax card from the selection. After the tax card has been chosen press Done.
After this you are ready to pay the first salary!